Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Good, Thanks, Help

Agneta Westman on a group that I belong to, suggested that every day you should record something you consider as being GOOD about yourself; then record THANKS for whatever was positive during the day; and last ask for HELP in preparing for tomorrow. The first one helps you recognize your strengths; the second makes you see the positives in life; and the third causes you to think about what is troubling you and aids in planning a solution.

I thought this was a great idea. Here are the pages that I was inspired to create with this concept in mind. Now, if I can just remember to do it each day, I believe it will have a positive influence on me.


Jennifer said...

Great journal prompt!

Agneta Westman said...

Am I in some way a little guilty ...? Hope so. In Sweden we have a very popular author called Mia Toernblom who wants us to use the 3 key words Good, Thanks and Help every day. I wrote about her in answer to a question about journaling in the group ArtistJournals I also belong to.
Thank you for sharing your very inspiring drawings! I can hardly wait to go home tonight and try a bit in the same way, myself. Best regards, Agneta Westman Stockholm

Taliferrue Cathaldus said...

quick question.. do you pre-paint your journal pages? Or do you do then in the session?

I love your journal pages :) They reach out and speak.

:) Tesse